Sunday, February 8, 2009


We've been having a pretty good time for the most part.
Ryan has been working hard, and his work schedule will be changing in March. He might end up going to overnights. There are mixed emotions about this. Whereas, I love having him home at night it would be hard. However, we could end up saving on childcare if he did this. His other option might be working on the grocery side of the store. We're just waiting to find out.
I've been sick. I spent three days in the hospital and then ended up taking a whole week off work. I'm planning on returning to work tomorrow, but have a visit with the doctor first. They never figured out what was wrong, so I've just been taking it easy. Ryan has been a great help (like always) and doing whatever needs to be done. The kids have been amazing with the whole mess up of their schedules.
Thanks to a wonderful group of mommies I belong to, they brought meals in for the whole week. It was a huge relief for us not to have to worry about it.
Joanie is still enjoying kindergarten. Her reading has really taken off and she loves to read to Hunter. She is a great big sister. She started violin lessons in January and is doing really well. She's so shy I wasn't sure how she would do with her teacher, who is a senior in high school. However, she's been doing really well. I attend the lessons with her, and she still won't talk to him, except via me. But, she does let him position her how she needs to stand and hold her violin. She's doing amazing. I'm really proud of her. We also signed her up for soccer for in the Spring.
Hunter has be having fun in preschool and playing with his friend Hunter. He too was signed up for soccer. He's pretty excited about being able to play soccer.
Overall, the beginning of our year has been good. We still miss Matthew and his family, but have been blessed in our lives.
We missed mom and dad for almost three weeks when they went to visit Matthew and his family. It was the longest I've gone without speaking to them. However, I didn't want to interrupt their visit with Matthew. The kids and I picked them up from the airport. That was a lot of fun for the kids.

I'm on Facebook, so if you want updates on me check me out there.

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