Friday, May 15, 2009

Hunter's graduation and the Garden

We've had some busy weeks. We were in a car accident the end of April. Luckily it wasn't too serious, but I was injured. I haven't worked since. I'm hoping to return to work soon though. I've been in physical therapy and working through it. I'm finally starting to feel better. Ryan finished putting in our garden tonight. It's about 6-8 feet wide by 48 feet long. He planted onions, tomatoes, corn, peas, cucumbers, watermelon, Cantaloupe, peppers and hot peppers. I'm really excited and can't wait for the produce to come in.
Of course, he had a lot of "help". Between our two children and our neighbors two boys he had tons of help. :) The little boy in the yellow shirt is our neighbor, his name is Hunter too. The kids all had a lot of fun. They can't wait for the watermelon to come in.
The Garden
Ryan in the garden
Christopher (standing on the swing), Joanie (sitting on the swing), Hunter in orange shirt.

Hunter Rhea helping in the garden

Hunter graduated from the Tooele High School preschool -- as a Baby Buff -- May 11. He was voted the most likely to be the next millionaire because of his imagination. If anyone knows Hunter, they'll agree with this. He had a good year and has learned a lot. He's excited to be starting Kindergarten this fall.

Overall things are going pretty good for us. We are having a ton of fun and are excited for this summer.
Joanie is doing wonderful on her violin. Unfortunately we had to buy a new string. It was loose and I tried to fix it. Yea, I won't be doing that again. She's learning rhythm now and has gotten pretty good at it. She also wanted to start piano lessons again, so I'm putting on my patience and teaching her. She's doing pretty good.
The kids keep us entertained and we have a good time as a family.

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